

Hello! I’m a writer and researcher. I specialise in making academic research readable and accessible to audiences outside the academy.

I’ve published in a variety of outlets ranging from online magazines and blogs to academic journal articles and book chapters. My first book Hip-Hop Authenticity and the London Scene: Living Out Authenticity in Popular Music came out in 2017.

I’m a cultural sociologist by training. My PhD explored the identity politics of rappers in the London hip-hop scene. I focused on authenticity and what “keepin’ it real” actually means for artists in day-to-day life. I’m broadly interested in popular culture, creativity, capitalism, and social change.

I love music, reading, and travel and I’m currently learning how to DJ.

I’m available for article, blog and report writing, as well as short-term research projects. Feel free to get in touch to connect and collaborate!

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